DAUPHNE M. WARD, 46, of Amarillo died Monday, July 14, 2008.Services will be at 10 a.m. Friday in Amarillo South Church. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery by Cox-LaGrone Funeral Home, 4180 Canyon Drive.Ms.
Ward was born Sept. 28, 1961, in Amarillo. She grew up here and graduated salutatorian from Alamo Catholic High School in 1980, attended Amarillo College to become a paralegal and was a member of the Texas Panhandle Paralegal Association.
Dauphne was a sweet girl. It is so sad to see her die so young. JT.
When I saw the name and age in the paper, I really hoped that it wasn't the same one we knew. Then when the obit came out I was very said to see that it was her. I really liked Debbie and Dauphnie both. My prayers go out to her family in their time of grief.
A friend of mine told me that she was a passenger in a truck that was hit by a sand truck out on the north loop in town by Tascosa Road. Such a sad thing.
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