Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Jane Begy sent me this picture of a recent get together with a few of her friends from Sam Houston (about 2 years ago she said). Pictured from left to right are: Jane Begy, Martha Allred, Pat Groom, and Janie Boyd. They all look great! To me they haven't changed much. I could pick them out in a crowd if I saw them.

Feel free to leave your comments about your memories with them. We were so busy those days that other than seeing each other in the break room (if we had the same conference period), we socialized with those in classrooms nearest to us. My neighbors were, Mr. Smith, band, Ms Halfman who was next door to me and Mr. Williams, who was also the head of the science department, who was right around the corner from my room. Since I taught one PE class a day, I got to know Mr. Barker pretty well. My most memorable quote from him came every year when the school year was winding down, "teaching jobs start looking good at this time of the year". And Charlie Williams was a crazy man, everyone knew that. He was great fun to be around. Jim Garcia was on the other side of the building but he and I went to WTSU in the summers together and we used to play a lot of racquetball. I've lost track of all these people. If anyone knows where they are and how they are doing, let us all know.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I run into Mr. Williams all the time at our local United grocery store. He looks just the same! I knew who he was the minute I saw him. Just an FYI!