Saturday, July 14, 2007


Fellow Bloggers,
I got this note from Jane Hemelstrand who taught art and english @ Sam Houston from 1968 to 1978. She now lives in Amarillo after being in various other schools during the last, almost 30 years. Anything you can add to the discussion is appreciated, so please use the "comment" link below to talk to the group.

Hi, Jake,
I have to tell you something funny. I found out about your site from an article in the Amarillo Globe-News. It said you were a student at SHJH, so I thought when I wrote last time that I was probably talking to your son, couldn't be grandson, could it? so I didn't really know who you were until I finally got into your blog. I see that you are in Kansas.
Well, I can tell you about some of the old staff, but not all the details. I know that the following are now dead: Mr. Clements, Art; Beryl Eades, English; Juanita Pierce, Sp. Ed.; Marian Tarver, English; Dan Johnson, English; Bill Lammes, Math; and H.V. McSain, Counselor. I believe the following are gone also, but am not 100% sure: Ronel Simmons, counselor; Meade Joy, ?; Jerry Radtke, Choir. I kind of think Mr. Barker is gone too, but am not sure. The last I heard of Mr. Williams he was living at the Lake marina. Haven't heard in a long time.
I have kept in contact with Martha Allred, Janie Boyd who lost her husband about two years ago, Pat Groom and Laura Johnson, (Dan's Wife). We get together about once a year for lunch.
As far as pictures go, I have several SHJH yearbooks that I think I can scan and send you some pictures that way. By the way, it was not easy getting into your blog. I finally got my husband to help me, but I wasn't a Google member, and evidently one must belong to that in order to get into the blog. I had some trouble with that but think I have it all straightened out now. If I can just remember what I did. My husband is more electronically inclined than me.
From Sam Houston, I took a leave of absence to do my Doctoral residence at UNC, and when I came back to Amarillo, the powers that be assigned me to Travis , and then I went to Crockett, (I think in that order). I went to work at the Region XVI Education Service Center for five years, then went to help consolidate Plemons, Stinnett, Phillips, where I worked as an administrator for two years then went to Coahoma for a year or two, then retired from Texas, and went to Tucumcari, worked there for a year then went down to the boot-heel of N.M. to Animas where I was principal, then went to the NW corner of NM to Bloomsfield where I taught English, was Dept. head and was on the NM Ed. Standards Commission until I retired in 2003. So I double retired and got my Social Security paid in so I would have both A & B Medicare. My husband that I married in 1977, Jack Begy was not in good health for several years and finally died in NM in 2003. I remarried in 2004 to a widower from Trinity, Tx., so we still have both of our homes. So this is probably much more than you wanted to know, but maybe you can use some of it researching SHJH.
I know you want people to put stuff on the blog, but I'm not into that yet. Maybe soon.
Best to you on your SHJH blog endeavor.
Jane Begy (Jamison)

My thanks to Jane for giving me permission to post her letter.



Anonymous said...

Well I don't remember the teacher that wrote the letter but it broke my heart to hear about Mr. Johnson and Mr. Lammes I loved both of those teachers. Even though Mr. Lammes made me bring Chocolate chip cookies or give a ten minute speech on "nothing" once. I chose to bring cookies!!

Jacob Trevino said...

The question is, what did you do to deserve to make a 10 minute speech about nothing? He,he!!

Anonymous said...

I don't remember this teacher either. I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Johnson and Mr. Lammes, and all of the others that have gone on, I did have a few of them as teachers. It is just nice to know.

As for stories, well lets see, I remember many of times walking the long journey home with a certain teacher, also the many thankful rides to and from school, You were a great inspiration to myself and many others. Thank You for following your heart and bending the rules a little, You made the three years at SHJH the best years of all my school years. Also want to thank you for doing this blog and for putting so much time into it, we appreciate you and what you have done.

Jacob Trevino said...

Thanks, Mel. I'll give you that $20 I promised next time I see you (wink, wink!!). Many times after leaving Sam Houston I've thought how risky it was (even though I didn't think it was at the time)for me to give my students rides, and sometimes walking with them to and from school. I could have been set up for a very ugly situation had someone wanted to get me into trouble. All they would have had to say was that I did something inappropriate and I would have had a heck of a time defending myself. Thankfully, the students I chose to this for were nice decent kids that would never do such a thing just to get someone into trouble or for revenge. And that is the type of kids you all were and you should be proud of yourselves for that.

I too was greatly saddened to hear of those teachers that have passed. Some I knew very well, others I had a casual relationship with. Some I got along with and others I had confrontations with but they were all great people that I admired and I'm glad I got to know them.

I get excited to just get a new person to read our blog. So keep your fingers crossed that more and more people will come visit us.

Anonymous said...

Well the story goes like this, I was sitting in Math class with Mr. Lammes and I was turned around talking to some guy - gosh can't even remember who it was now! But Mr. Lammes said "hey Lovebug, what are you talking about?" and I of course said "nothing" and the rest is history!!! You know that was so out of character for me to be talking in class I'm sure it was just a one time thing!!!!

I wonder how much trouble you would have gotten into had the administration found out how many of us kids hung out at your house all the time!!! That is not something that happens in this day and age though. I remember many times when I was having a bad day and you gave me a little hug and nobody thought anything about it. I really hate how the times have changed. I remember having close relationships with many of my teachers - you know cause I was just so wonderful!! hahaha! Anyway, I hate the fact that my grandkids can't ever really have that because of the sorry state of the world these days! Anyway enough of this book I am writing - I just wanted you to know that you were an amazing teacher and you have a big place in my heart - even though you did let my stobe light get stolen from your office!!

Jacob Trevino said...

A teenage girl talking too much, and to a BOY!! Oh, the shame of it. And not sweet little Tracy!!
Thanks for the nice words. There is a $20 in it for you too. Check your mailbox. He,he!!
I don't remember about your strobe light. I wonder who took it? Maybe the perpetrator will confess on this very blog..... wouldn't that be interesting?

Anonymous said...

I think Mrs. Begy was my English teacher in 7th grade! That was my only year at SHJH--in February I moved to Oklahoma. I was sad to hear about Mr. Clements. I had him for art and history. My name is Karin Gilbreath--I don't know if very many people will remember me.