Thursday, September 18, 2008


From: Mary Lou Knox

Jake, greetings from Oklahoma! I have been so busy that I haven't had time to check the SH Blog, but I thought about it when I ran across a note I received from Jayne Combs aka "Coach Madden". She came in the early 80's and taught 7th grade English next door to the Home Ec department, I suppose because I didn't know her. She and her husband John went through the Appointment Service of the Baptist Home Mission Board with my brother and his wife before they all departed for their various mission locations. Jayne and her husband were sent to the mission field in Spain in April, 1990.

She probably had me mixed up with the other Ms. Knox who taught Homemaking at S.H. , but her note read: You may not remember me, but I taught 7th Grade english next door to you at Sam Houston Jr. High 81-82. I was excited to be reunited with you through your brother. I cherish the crazy memories of those wild times as a Ranger. In His Love, Jayne combs ("Coach Madden").

Maybe there is a student who would like to see this.

Things are going great for me. I will be celebrating my 80th birthday next Wednesday, the24th. I would love to get a card or two from some of my homemaking students!!

Mary Lou Knox

PS. let me know if you need her email. Jake

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