Sunday, August 5, 2007



I got this nice e-mail from Mrs. Mary Lou Knox that I thought I'd share with you all. Please leave any comments you might have. Our membership is starting to build. I hope we can keep it going. This could really get interesting the more people we get involved. Homemaking was way over on the other side of the building so I rarely saw Mrs. Knox but I remember she was a very nice lady, always had a smile on her face and was very kind to everyone. Welcome, Mary Lou !!

A BIG hello, this is Mrs.Mary Lou Knox, 7&8 grade homemaking teacher 1970-1977. I'm eager to read all of the responses. I live in San Antonio and have been retired since 1995. I count teaching at Sam Houston among the best years in my career. There are so many good things to remember about those times. It saddens me to think of the many faculty members who have passed away. I would like to hear from the ones who are left. We had great times together. I would like to hear from students, too

Looking forward to hearing from all you loyal readers out there.


Anonymous said...

I had Mrs. Knox for homemaking, I remember making a shirt in her class, as I am not a sewing person, I had one sleeve that was longer than the other, so needless to say I didn't get much use out of the shirt. I also remember her being a good teacher, and very patient with all of us, I guess I would have to say that about all of the teachers that I had. My Sam Houston years were the best out of all my school years. I just want to say thank you to all of the teachers who taught at that time. Hope to hear from more of the teachers and students that went to S.H.J.H., does any one know where Jay Guest, Kevin Hardgrove, Bobby Henderson, Sue Reynolds, Marion Roller are???

Anonymous said...

Were you possibly thinking about Bobby Henson instead of Bobby Henderson? If so, he is still in Amarillo. I see him on occassion at my part time job - have only spoken to him a time or two though. I would like to know where Jay Guest is as well. This blog has started me thinking about a lot of the people that we went to school with - remember Sam Hill - wonder what he is doing. I saw him years ago and he was a beer rep!

Anonymous said...

You are right it was Bobby Henson, is he married? Do you know where he works? I do remember Sam Hill, I always thought that he would be in politics, but I do not know where he is today. Who are some others that you remember?