Sunday, April 29, 2007


Dear friends,

Do any of the people in this picture look familiar to you? See how many you can name. The person that names the most, gets a free steak dinner. The only catch is that you have to come to Mulvane Kansas to get it. Ha! Maybe someone can guess what year this was because I'm not too sure when it was. I just remember I was taking alot of pictures around this time at Sam Houston.

If you are in touch or think you can get in touch with any of these people, please let them know to come to this website to look at their picture. Many students probably have never seen this picture of themselves. To me that's the best pictures to look at - one's that you didn't even know existed. So with that in mind, I would like to challenge anyone reading this post to look for pictures they took during their time in Sam Houston (high school and later pics are good also) and share them with the rest of the world. We need pictures you took, not ones out of the annual. Those pictures you buy every year wind up in the annual so those are not the ones we are looking for (unless you have a compelling reason to post one). There are three ways to share these photos that we hope you'll find. One is to post it yourself on the website. I will give you the password and some directions on how to do it. If you are not comfortable doing that, then you can send me an electronic copy through e'mail and I will post it. This will require that you have a scanner so you can upload the picture to your computer so you can attach it to an e-mail. Lastly, you can send me the picture and I will get it on the post. I will send the picture back to you if you want it returned. I hope we get some pictures.

I am thinking of running an ad in the local paper to see if we can get more people to come to our site. If anyone reading this has any ideas on getting the word out, please share them with us. Perhaps some of the local radio stations would be willing to mention our website for free. That might reach a few people. We need members to make this site work. The more that visit and comment, the more interesting the site will be. The future of the site depends on having a large membership. So we'll keep our fingers crossed.

Everyone have a nice day.


Kris Martinez said...

I recognize Nadine Leach and Rhonda Pyeat. I think one of them is Gigi Cooper. That's the best I can do.

Jacob Trevino said...

Okay, that puts Kris in the lead for the steak dinner with 3 names. Let's see how long that lead lasts.