Sunday, June 22, 2008


First of all, my apologies for the quality of this picture. It's been sitting around for a long time and just recently ran into it. I've been working on my family tree so I've looked at every picture I own several times. So that's how I ran into this picture. So my question to you with what little you have to work with is, who are these girls and if you want to take it a step further, where are they now. One hint for you is that they were inseparable while in the 7th grade. Not sure how that turned out by the time they were in the 9th but at least I know they started out as best friends. Okay, one more clue. They were both in my 7th grade science class the first year at SamHouston - which would be 1973. Any ideas? That's all the clues I'm giving you. Good luck.

Stay in touch.
