Friday, August 17, 2007


Fellow bloggers,

I received this note from Mr. Schroder and he gave me permission to post it.

-------Original Message-------

Schroder, Rod R.
Date: 8/17/2007 7:51:44 AM
Subject: Rangerland

Some of my most memorable years of teaching were at Sam Houston (1973-78). I coached and taught some great students. Thanks to all for the memories.

Rod Schroder
Amarillo Independent School District
7200 I-40 West
Amarillo, TX 79106

Friday, August 10, 2007


Fellow Bloggers,

I got a note from Beth Risely today. She says she likes our blog and plans to visit when she has a little more free time. She is busy right now organizing the Tascosa 30th reunion. I copied the link below for your convenience. The site has loads of information. So much so that it might be a little overwhelming at first but take your time and browse. You'll be amptly rewarded.

This week was a busy week. We had lots of activity on the blog and fortunately have picked up a few more bloggers. So things are looking promising for the future of our blog. Keep your fingers crossed.

Let me know if you have any trouble linking to the website below. Later,


Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Remember to start at the bottom and work your way up.

You may post my message. Also, I would add that some of the people in the picture are Carolyn (Kay Kay) Cooper, Dauphie Ward, Nadine Leibsch (who I saw about 2 years ago at Tascosa’s graduation – her son was graduating at that time and I had friends graduating) and I really think one of the other girls is Lori Woltemath, and me. I wish I could remember who my fellow dog was. I notice that she is in another picture as well with someone whom I think may also be me.

One of my co-workers knows a teacher at Sam Houston at the present. The teacher was in possession of several newspapers and an annual from the 70’s, that she was told to get rid of. He just put them all on my desk. I would be happy to forward them to you if you would like.

I am glad to know I made such an impression. I have not changed. I am still quiet and shy. I wish that Sam Houston was still the school we knew back then. How times change. My daughter will graduate from Amarillo High this year. I had to convert to a Crockett Pioneer and then an Amarillo High Sandie (I am outnumbered since my husband also graduated from Amarillo High).

Please let me know if you would like to have these items and I will stick them in the mail to you. Take care. I will be checking your blog to watch for updates.


From: Jacob Trevino [] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 12:45 PMTo: Tamme AureliSubject: Re: Sam Houston Blog


What a great surprise to hear from you. This has been a busy past couple of days talking to students and teachers from those great days at Sam Houston.

Yes, I remember you often. You made an impression on me. I can't say that I remember all my ex students but I remember you. Must be because you are so quiet and shy, right????

May I have your permission to post your letter to the website? If not, please leave messages there because other people would like to hear from you. At the bottom of each "post", like the one with your picture, there is a link called "comments". Click on it and leave a message. You can comment anonimously, or use your Google ID. If you use the "anon" route, tell us who you are. It's much much fun that way.

Stay in touch, even if you don't use the blog (which I really hope you keep coming back to), then we'll communicate via e-mail. We have a lot of catching up to do.


PS. Do you plan to sue (being a paralegal and all) for my creating an unsafe environment for my students??? I hope not cause I'm just a poor old school teacher. Ha!

-------Original Message-------

Tamme Aureli
Date: 8/7/2007 11:43:48 AM
Subject: Sam Houston Blog

Mr. Trevino,

I just saw your blog site recognized in the Amarillo paper, and linked to it to see if I knew anyone who had written in. Imagine my surprise to see the “Old Photos” posted on April 29, 2007, showing me posing as a dog in front on the left. I am sure my mother would be very proud to know I spent my days being so serious and studious.

I have very great memories of your class. You were one of my favorite teachers along with Mr. Lammes. I had you for science in the 7th grade and health as a freshman (that’s the year that health became a mandatory class for us as either a freshman or sophomore).

I don’t know if you remember or not, but I broke my arm in your class as a 7th grader when I gracefully tripped over the cord attached to the overhead projector and killed it along with my right arm.

Thanks for a good laugh today and a trip down memory lane. You might remember me as Tamme Williams.

Tamme Aureli, Paralegal
Templeton, Smithee, Hayes,
Heinrich & Russell, LLP
320 S. Polk, Suite 1000 (79101)
P. O. Box 15010
Amarillo, TX 79105-5010
806.324.0324 – Telephone
806.379.8568 – Facsimile


Mark Romero a correctional officer. I have to think about that for awhile, whew!!!!!

Mr Trevino,

This is Bobby Shuffield from Amarillo TX. Saw blog listing on Globe news website and just had to ask a question. Did you own the black VW or was that Coach Billy and his “you silly boys”? Just wanted to clear the picture on the prank pulled involving this vehicle. After dreaded football drills some players decided to turn this VW sideways in parking space between two parked cars. You guys came out with now Superintendent Schroder and of course they denied knowing anything. Hope all is well and why did they ever close the Tumbleweed. They had the best off campus burritos and candy to take back to class. I have been married to wonderful “Caprock Longhorn” for 23 years and have two daughters. Kenny Medling is teacher and coach at Tascosa. Mark Romero is correctional officer at prison. Just few names to stir memory cells from long ago. Enjoyed the time. Good luck on sale of home and migrating south back to Texas.

Bobby Shuffield
Tascosa Class of 1980

My thanks to Bobby for allowing me to post his note to me.

Monday, August 6, 2007


Some of you have been asking what i look like these days so I decided to find a picture of me that was the most flattering and here it is. I must warn you, life has been hard for me and unfortunately I have not aged very well. So if you are ready, here is a current picture of me:

Okay, are you ready...................


Are you sure???????


Here we go........




Dear friends, I had this e-mail exchange today. Very interesting stuff and some questions. Please provide any info you have for the questions asked. Do so using the comments link below. Start reading the emails from the bottom because that is the order in which they happened.

Lisa's final note:
From: Lisa Nesteby
Date: 8/6/2007 3:21:53 PM
'Jacob Trevino'
Subject: RE: Sam Houston Jr High School

Oh my gosh; I was just talking to my younger sister, Marchel (Stephanie), I mentioned to her that this article had ran in the Globe News; she said that you may remember her guy friend Robert (Bob) Rushing, he went a couple of years before Shawn. I will definitely mention this to my sisters; they would be more than happy to look into this. Yes my father is still kicking in Amarillo, his 70th birthday is this Friday; my parents divorced in 1982, my mother lives in Maine with Shawn and her husband Gene Glover, Sherri lives in Comanche Texas with her husband Clint White, Marchel lives in Amarillo with my father and his wife of 25 years off of Grand, Marchel is not married now.

Marchel was wondering what happened with the female PE teacher, for the life of me I can not remember her name.

Do you keep in tough with any of the students and have you heard of any that has passed on?

I would love to keep in tough, write back when you get a chance. Oh and by the way I would never say that my father would not allow you to paddle me, I would much rather had received a paddle from you than from him; plus detention hour took time out of hanging out with the boys.

Thank You,
Lisa Nesteby

My note:
I sure do remember you. In fact, Melody (Dubois) Waggoner was asking about you (or maybe about Sherri) the other day. We live close by and see each other at least once a month. And we e-mail each other almost daily. Were you the one that said that I could not give you swats, that your Dad would not allow it??? It was so funny to me, especially since I always gave offenders a choice of swats or detention. You were such a fiesty little thing. Great memories of you. I remember Shawn and Sherri too (maybe Sherri was the one that said that about the swats). Where are your sisters now? I hope you tell them to visit the blog and leave comments. We'd love to hear from them. I saw Shawn in Lubbock for awhile (maybe the early 80's) when she was married (forgot to who). Seemed like a nice guy. Are they still together? Give the girls my e-mail. Maybe they'll write to me. Love to hear from them. And you too, of course.

My wife and I live in Mulvane Ks but we are trying to sell our home and move back to Texas (Fort Worth area). More to follow on that subject.

How is your dad? I hope he is still around. He was not that much older than me.

How did you hear about the blog? We've been trying to get the word out. Any help you can give us is great. We need a lot of participants to keep the site interesting.

Tell your daughters thanks for their service to our country. We can't thank our soldiers enough for what they do.

Stay in touch. I love hearing from you.


Lisa's reply:
Lisa Nesteby
Date: 8/6/2007 1:41:08 PM
'Jacob Trevino'
Subject: RE: Sam Houston Jr High School

You were probably one of my favorite teachers; my father was a recruiter in the US Army who use to give you Army pens all the time (Ernest Head), you taught my sisters Shawn Head & Sherri Head and of coarse myself. I remember that you use to live on Bell near Plains. I was reading the blogs this afternoon during my lunch hour, notice that Dan Johnson had passed, he too was one of my favorite teachers as was Mr. Hainey (Wood Shop).

I have been married to my husband for 25 years, he is from Minnesota; we have 2 beautiful daughters, our oldest is married to a soldier in the US Army (Military Police), our youngest daughter is stationed in Baghdad in the US Army (Military Police). We now live in Brooklyn Park Minnesota (just north of Minneapolis).

Lisa Nesteby

My reply:
From: Jacob Trevino [] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 1:30 PMTo: Lisa NestebySubject: Re: Sam Houston Jr High School

Yes, I taught @ Sam Houston from 1973 to 1978. I taught Science, Health, and one PE class. I remember several Lisa's, all of which were very special to me. Which one are you, if any of the one's I knew?

Anxiously awaiting your reply.


First note:
From: Lisa Nesteby
Date: 08/06/07 13:03:19
Subject: Sam Houston Jr High School

By chance would you happen to be the teacher that taught there during that time, please respond?

Thank You,
Lisa Nesteby
Purchasing Agent

4401 Quebec Ave. North
New Hope, MN 55428
Direct Dial: 763-412-4500
Direct Fax: 763-412-4550
Main Phone: 763-535-1150
Main Fax: 763-535-9151

Please visit us at:


Jake, your blog is a great idea and I hope lots of people respond. I enjoyed reading what Jane wrote. Sounds like she has had a very interesting life since I last heard from her. Ny the way, Mide Beller was the first boy to enroll in my homemaking class. It's hard to see him as a grandpa!
I live alone with my little Yorkshire Terrior, Princess, since my husband of 49 years died in December 2001, but I have a busy life. I have kept up with May Yokum, Pat Groom, and Sue Coffman. Billy Garrison died last year.
I worked for 11 years for Comal ISD for 11 years teaching homemaking, English, Reading and English as a Second Language. After I retired in 1995, I was hired part time to teach ESL until they were forced to go bi-lingual and did away with my job.
I hope people begin posting messages, because it will be great to hear about what's been going on!
Mary Lou Knox

Sunday, August 5, 2007



I got this nice e-mail from Mrs. Mary Lou Knox that I thought I'd share with you all. Please leave any comments you might have. Our membership is starting to build. I hope we can keep it going. This could really get interesting the more people we get involved. Homemaking was way over on the other side of the building so I rarely saw Mrs. Knox but I remember she was a very nice lady, always had a smile on her face and was very kind to everyone. Welcome, Mary Lou !!

A BIG hello, this is Mrs.Mary Lou Knox, 7&8 grade homemaking teacher 1970-1977. I'm eager to read all of the responses. I live in San Antonio and have been retired since 1995. I count teaching at Sam Houston among the best years in my career. There are so many good things to remember about those times. It saddens me to think of the many faculty members who have passed away. I would like to hear from the ones who are left. We had great times together. I would like to hear from students, too

Looking forward to hearing from all you loyal readers out there.